Sue's blog

Category Archives: General

Day 52

Written 10 May, 2020 Terrifying, to go to the city, but my friend R says we’re out of date, there’s not much virus around, we’d have to be really unlucky. I say, yes but… We leave K here, she’s too agrophobic to join us. R’s  mother M says she’s been waiting 18 hours for us.… Continue reading…

Day 51

Written 8 May, 2020 Today we try to make another film on the beach about neuroscience and creativity. It seems wrong, selfish, self-absorbed, even silly not to share with anyone who wants to know this, the this that i’ve been harbouring and accumulating and reflecting on for almost 20 years and only teaching to people… Continue reading…

Day 47

Written 4 May, 2020 Last night we came back to the city for meds again at Darlinghurst post office, and with a big washing load, for the tanks are running low and when they’re empty, that’s it for our escape.     Leaving our bay In Darlinghurst, our apartment is seven floors up. Masked and… Continue reading…

Day 42

Written 29 April, 2020     Late yesterday, we took the  boat down to Brooklyn, for petrol for the generator, and meds for GG’s sore eye. We told Dy, and did he want us to take his garbage? There’s no garbage collection here, so we burn paper in the pot belly, compost all fruit and… Continue reading…

Day 38

Written 25 April, 2020   Today, 81 deaths in Australia. Please please no more. 20,000 in the UK, 51,000 deaths in the US, 200,000 deaths in the world. No more. We ran away to here more than a month ago. As I heard Dy coughing this morning, his cough mixed up with birds calling to… Continue reading…

Day 28

    Written 16 April, 2020   In the news Donald Trump says he’s pulling America’s funding from the World Health Organisation. He reacted carelessly to their warnings about the coming plague, and is now blaming them.  His action will mean tens of thousands of people in poorer countries will die.  I remember WHO spoke… Continue reading…

Day 25

Written 13 April, 2020     In the evenings we have fires, the pot belly upstairs and a tiny one in the cabin. It’s glorious to go to sleep in soft flannelette sheets with a fire crackling. I wake at 5 to hear GG re-stoking it, and half an hour later I stir, go up… Continue reading…

Day 24

Written 12 April, 2020       Easter Sunday- the day when Donald Trump said he thought we’d be going to church and celebrating the end of the plague. “Wouldn’t that be sweet?” he’d said. Overnight I hear that 2000 people a day have died for four days in the US, many of them in… Continue reading…

Day 23

Day 23 – Written 11 April, 2020 I’m in my dressing gown on the jetty this morning and there’s such a weight in what Gg called the over-engineered live bait trap,so heavy because of all its brackets and hinges that I can barely pull it up- but what can be in it? a school of… Continue reading…

Day 22

Day 22

Written April 10, 2020. Good Friday today. I must go for a walk alone in the bush today and try to pray. My mother who was Jewish by inheritance but forced by horrific circumstance to be Catholic, always sent us kids to our room on Good Friday at 3 pm precisely to think about Christ… Continue reading…